Starting a New Season

Once again we are looking forward to another season. As we glance back at the fall and winter we have groaned and complained about the winter weather experienced here in the Pacific Northwest. Mild compared with many who are yet experiencing devastating weather conditions around the country and had a much harsher winter.

The cold winter weather could have done much more damage to the gardens than it did; there are a number of roses that will need to be replaced and some that will need a good hard prune to get rid of all the dead growth. Like most gardeners around the country we are walking the gardens looking at the damage and assessing how to get it ready for the season, mourning the loss of some old friends but looking ahead to what can be planted in its place.

Getting the pruning done and looking ahead with anticipation for the first blooms of the garden are on our minds. We look towards the Fruhlingsmorgen, William III, Mary Queen of Scots and Fruhlingsgold to produce the first blooms of the season here at the garden. The plum tree outside the sales cottage is in full bloom and almost vibrates with all the bees, buds are swelling on the old lilac bush beside it, so another season has started for Heirloom. We look forward to seeing customers who have been coming for years, and new ones who stand in awe at the magnificent sight the gardens provide when in full bloom. Soon the picnic tables will be out and children running through the gardens maybe stopping to admire a bloom or two, their laughter ringing throughout the garden and always a delight to hear. The sales cottage full of customers some just learning about the roses Heirloom sells and those that come on a mission to pick up exactly what they have on their list. There are a few regular customers who come to visit not to purchase but to steel a few moments of peace away from the hectic life they lead. A smile is all they require as they relax in the swing on the veranda reading a book or sitting on a bench in the garden.

We have been busy making sure there are plenty of roses in the sales cottage, potting mix and fertilizer out to complete the planting and care process. Heirloom now has for purchase at the nursery our own fertilizer mix! With that in mind fertilizing will be next on the list for Saturday Rose Academy classes that are held here at the nursery once a month. If in the area stop by, we would love to hear what is going on in your garden. The class is about an hour and starts at 10:00am, the next one is on April 18 you can stay for as long as you like and questions are always welcome. Also, make sure to join us June 20 and 21 for June Days. We are going to have a lot going on here at the garden. Watch for more updates on what you might find at the nursery when you come to visit that weekend or anytime during the season.

That's it for now.

Happy Gardening!!!