Saturday Series, 7/22/17 A Story From Seattle

“The Little White House is a 170 square foot studio built from salvaged materials collected from local demolition dumpsters, garage sales, and free piles in the Seattle area,” says Daniel Blagovich about his unique creation located in his backyard in Seattle, Washington. The key defining characteristic of his studio is the white, monochromatic color scheme.

The Little White House began as a quest for a quiet place to sit and enjoy the crackling of a fire and to escape the rain and chaos of life; and it continues to be a place where Daniel is free to express himself and to create a world all his own. He says, “ The Little White House is constantly evolving as I come across different salvaged pieces that I can’t live without.”

One of the mediums through which Daniel channels his creativity is roses. Both in the beautiful landscaping surrounding The Little White House and in luscious cut bouquets, roses are front and center in the design, and their fragrance fills the air.

Daniel says, “When developing the gardens around The Little White House, we were striving for a lush, romantic, old English garden feel. I knew I wanted to incorporate a large variety of highly scented blooms that have a long vase-life because I love bringing the beauty of the garden indoors in the summer.” To achieve this lush, peaceful atmosphere Daniel has planted over twenty different varieties of roses, each chosen for their classic shape, muted colors, and superior fragrance. However, Daniel claims his current favorites are Jude the Obscure because of its “classic, deep, chalice-shaped blooms and surprisingly fruity fragrance” as well as Gentle Hermione for her “soft, luminescent, pink color and unique myrrh fragrance”.

Daniel is a proud grower of Heirloom Roses, and we are proud to partner with him by offering an extensive variety of premium roses to make his dream garden come true. He says, “ I have chosen Heirloom Roses because they are a local, family-owned business that has the largest variety of roses that I have seen on the market. Their staff has been more than helpful in helping me choose roses that fit the style and character of our gardens. They truly stand by their guarantee that the roses they provide will flourish.”

To add roses to make your dream garden come true, click here.