Spring at Last

I think we can say here at least spring has sprung. The weather has been great for the last couple of days. The sales cottage has been busy with customers stopping by to see what is new! Stories are told of how their gardens fared during this past winter, what looks like it will pull through and what needs to be replaced. We are starting to keep the greenhouse doors open longer and longer in the warm greenhouses in anticipation of pulling into the sales cottage those coveted roses we never seem to have enough of during the season.

With pruning about done Heirloom is getting ready to start fertilizing, in this area we start fertilizing about now. Great ways to remember are prune on Presidents day and begin your fertilizing program on the dreaded tax day (April 15). Fertilizing is important, roses are heavy feeders, I love to quote the expression I heard a few years ago, "roses do not like to miss a meal." A healthy rose is one that will perform better during the season. If you have questions and live close join us April 18 at the nursery as the Saturday academy will be dealing with that subject, the class starts at about 10:00am.

Many are taking advantage of our specials on the web site. Every week we will be offering a different variety for a great price, so make sure to check it out.

Time sure seems to fly by; we will once again be at the, "Spring 2009 Plant Sale & Garden Festival" in Portland, Oregon this weekend. Our calendar is starting to fill up with requests for speakers, tours and to reserve a picnic spot.

That's it for now

Happy Gardening!!